Case Results
The list of representative past case results is not an indication or guarantee of future results. Every case is different, every person is different, and regardless of what friends, family or others may say about the value of a case, each case must be evaluated on the facts, injuries, the jurisdiction, venue, witnesses, available evidence, the parties and their testimony and other relevant factors.
Wrongful Death – Los Angeles
County worker is killed when he was called to service a room size air handling unit at a hospital, 5 years later (on the eve of trial) after multiple mediations the case resolved.
Bar assault/Negligent security – Los Angeles
Client served in the US military in Germany and grew to love all things German, he was assaulted at a bar due to lack of security and poor lighting in the parking lot, policy limits resolution.
Truck vs. Automobile – Visalia
Client was traveling on a two-land highway in Visalia when the driver of a truck traveling the opposite direction fell asleep and crossed the center divider and slammed into her vehicle causing injuries
Truck vs. Automobile (TBI) – Puente Hills/ Hacienda Heights
Client was sandwiched between two big rigs, defendant attempted to avoid paying on claim due to a policy exclusion, after years of litigation the matter resolved at mediation. Client Suffered TBI.
This was a very difficult case in which a male ended up crashing into the side of a moving train because there…
A reckless driver on the 60 freeway caused client to run off the freeway and rollover on a hill adjacent …
Medical Malpractice action in which the doctor and anesthesiologist were careless in their care of a man who was…
Premises Liability – Corona/Dos Lagos
Slip and fall at a well-known restaurant that had a very poor floor maintenance process and failed to warn client of added danger on a rainy day resulting in TBI injuries.
A drowning death of a 4 year old while under the care of his foster parents. The case presented difficult challenges.
Bar Assault/Negligent Security – Temecula
Client went out for a fun evening in Temecula when he was assaulted by an intoxicated patron and knocked to the ground and sustained TBI injuries, insufficient security and security protocol.
Confidential product liability/ premises case
Rancho Cucamonga against well-known restaurant
Public Entity Liability Case – San Bernardino
Confidential government entity premises case
The firm represented a motorcyclist who made a left turn in front of a speeding car. The driver of the car…
Rear end collision. Client had prior back surgery and was susceptible to further injury to the back. Case settled…
A woman was tragically bludgeoned to death. The matter quickly settled for the policy limits
Auto vs. Pedestrian – San Bernardino
Client was crossing the street when a commercial vehicle struck and knocked her into the air causing TBI
A racial profiling, discrimination and wrongful detention matter in which a group of young black males were…
57 freeway accident involving multiple parties in which a young man’s vehicle was thrust into the air causing it…
Phelan/san Bernardino County
$2.4 Million
This was a very difficult case in which a male ended up crashing into the side of a moving train because there were no warning signs or crossing gates and poor lighting and visibility. Wrongful death action brought on behalf of surviving family members. The railroad fought this case vigorously until we forced them into a mediation and we finally agreed to sit down with a neutral mediator and resolve the case.
San Bernardino County
The firm represented a motorcyclist who made a left turn in front of a speeding car. The driver of the car was working for a day care center which refused to provide their insurance information. A lawsuit was filed and despite the facts being very difficult for the client, our accident reconstructionist was able to establish extreme speeding on the part of the adverse driver and the case settled at mediation.
San Fernando Valley
Client was performing her job when she was attacked by a dog which bit her arm so hard that it crushed the bone. The insurance company dragged their feet (a common theme), we filed a lawsuit, conducted extensive investigation work, took the defendants deposition and the case settled for the entire homeowners insurance policy the day after we destroyed the defendant in deposition.
A couple was struck by a drunk driver and suffered moderate injuries however our firm was able to successfully defeat the defense motion to remove our punitive damages allegation and the $20,000.00 offer that the insurance company had insisted that we accept was rejected and we hammered out a settlement for $90,000.00 for this drunk driver case.
Orange County
A difficult case in which a young man suffered severe injuries at the hands of the patron of a local restaurant. As the Trial was beginning the parties reached a settlement in the hallway as the jurors were walking into the courtroom.
$1 Million
Medical Malpractice action in which the doctor and anesthesiologist were careless in their care of a man who was undergoing a routine procedure causing him to suffer brain damage. Policy limits settlement during the lawsuit.
Big Rig truck hit the back of client’s vehicle. It was not a high speed impact and the vehicle damage was minor but it caused client to suffer complicated injuries. Just before starting the Trial the parties convened a second mediation and resolved the case to client’s satisfaction.
A racial profiling, discrimination and wrongful detention matter in which a group of young black males were detained at the Ontario Mills Mall. It turned out this group of innocent young men were part of the Youth Ministry Group at their church who just went shopping for the day.
San Bernardino
Left turn accident, case settled favorably for a deserving client
Northern California
A woman was tragically bludgeoned to death. The matter quickly settled for the policy limits.
Los Angeles
Rear end collision. Client had prior back surgery and was susceptible to further injury to the back. Case settled for policy limits without the necessity of a lawsuit.
Orange County
57 freeway accident involving multiple parties in which a young man’s vehicle was thrust into the air causing it to land on the center divider. After a lengthy lawsuit and multiple mediations and conferences with the handling Judge the parties were able to reach resolution of the entire action.
A family of four shared a chicken sandwich which had salmonella poisoning. The family had to be quarantined by the Health Department. Prior to commencement of Trial the parties reached a settlement of this matter.
San Bernardino
A young lady goes into a hair salon to get her hair lightened and suffers burns from a chemical left on her hair too long. She was very pleased with the work that we did on her behalf.
Victorville/San Bernardino County
Wrongful death action and serious injured clients. Adverse party and their insurance company attempted to hide an additional insurance policy which was applicable to this matter. The insurance company provided documents which redacted information regarding another responsible party and their insurance coverage. The Paris Firm investigation discovered the additional information and the case quickly settled.
Victorville/San Bernardino County
A complex case in which a family’s vehicle was struck by the hood of a car that came loose from an auto transport vehicle and crashed into the windshield of their car on the freeway. A very loving and well deserved family was adequately compensated after two years of a hard fought lawsuit. The insurance company refused to accept that the parties were injured in this action despite the fact that the freeway was closed down and one of the parties was airlifted in severe stress to the hospital.
San Bernardino County
$2.3 Million
Wrongful death action brought against a public transportation bus company and a waste management company on the 10 freeway in Colton on behalf of a child that lost his mother.
Victorville/San Bernardino County
Automobile collision in which a vehicle crossed the center line and crashed into a man’s vehicle causing him to fracture his leg. No offers were made for over two years, the case settled for $375,000.00
A reckless driver on the 60 freeway caused client to run off the freeway and rollover on a hill adjacent to the freeway. The case settled for the policy limits of $105,000.00
Rancho Cucamonga
A car crash which resulted in significant injuries to a female passenger. Just prior to Trial the parties conducted a last minute mediation and the case resolved.
San Bernardino County
A drowning death of a 4 year old while under the care of his foster parents. The case presented difficult challenges. Other law firms had turned the case down because the foster parents’ homeowner’s insurance company had filed for bankruptcy and there was no insurance coverage. Our firm filed a lawsuit, conducted extensive discovery and investigation and ended up resolving this matter through the California Insurance Guaranty Association which protects consumers from Insurance Companies that conduct business in California and end up becoming insolvent.
Chino Hills
A very good feel good story about a woman involved in an automobile accident who sustained fairly minor injuries except for a 40 yearold cosmetic procedure that was damaged in the accident. The insurance company refused to accept responsibility for the impact to the old cosmetic procedure, stating that it had failed because wear and tear over the years. The insurance company stood pat on their $4,000.00 offer but because of investigation during the lawsuit the Paris Firm was able to establish an excellent timeline with impeccable medical records which showed a clean bill of health for the client’s annual medical exams. At one point the client was willing to accept $7,500.00 but the insurance company refused to pay that low amount. We filed a lawsuit and during the course of litigation the case settled at mediation for $50,000.00.
An elderly lady took her dogs for a walk in her own neighborhood every day to give her dogs exercise and to enjoy the fresh air. She was attacked by neighbors’ dogs and sustained injuries. The firm is proud to have resolved her matter to her great satisfaction.