Physical therapy focuses on the ways in which the bones and muscles work and provides exercises and other methods for correcting imbalances in the muscles in order to strengthen certain areas of the body, improve range of motion, and alleviate pain. In some situations, physical therapy after a car accident can help you recover from your injuries more fully.
How Can Physical Therapy Help After an Accident?
For instance, physical therapy has been used to help treat the symptoms of neck sprain after an accident, commonly known as “whiplash.” A physical therapist can help you learn and use the proper exercises to help your injured neck muscles heal properly, improving neck stability, reducing the risk of chronic pain, and providing other benefits.
Physical therapists can also help with rehabilitation after broken bones heal, with regaining strength and mobility after surgery, and with other needs. Like any treatment, physical therapy should be discussed with your doctor, who can refer you to a physical therapist if appropriate.
Will Insurance Help Pay My Physical Therapy Bills from an Accident?
Some car accident survivors hesitate to try physical therapy, worrying that their insurance will not cover the cost—and, in fact, some health care plans don’t cover physical therapy. However, insurance coverage for personal or bodily injury under a car insurance policy often will cover physical therapy if your doctor has decided it is medically appropriate.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, first talk to your doctor to ensure that your injuries are diagnosed and treated appropriately—including visits with a physical therapist, if your doctor believes these are appropriate for your needs. Then, call an experienced California personal injury lawyer who can help you seek the compensation you need.