Car accidents are often fairly tedious, though straight-forward processes. An accident occurs, the damage Is assessed, insurance is contacted, and a pay-out awaited. But car accidents aren’t always so simple. Sometimes a car accident case will go to trial.
Car Accidents That Go To Trial
There are many reasons a car accident case goes to trial. Most car accidents go to trial when the parties involved can’t come to an agreement regarding who caused the accident and therefore, who should be held liable to pay for damages the accident caused. On the other hand, car accidents often go to trial if an injured party feels that they didn’t receive proper compensation for their injuries, lost wages, and more. These factors are not ones that could be simply resolved at the scene.
The Process
A car accident case that goes to trial is not unlike any other case that goes to trial. The first step is to select a jury. Once this jury is selected, the trial begins with both parties presenting their opening statements. Both parties will present evidence to support their case. This evidence can include medical records, proof of damage, and any other evidence that could support their claim.
The outcome of the case is ultimately decided by the jury.
Why Hire An Attorney?
Because of how simple these cases seem on the surface, most people forego seeking legal help or advice. But make no mistake, these cases are as important as any other. Having an experienced lawyer by your side could mean the difference between winning and losing a case. A strong argument with solid evidence is of the utmost importance.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident and are currently facing trial, don’t wait. Contact an experienced, aggressive attorney who could fight for you. Contact The Paris Firm to schedule your case evaluation today.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.